3D Animated Video
In collaboration with Inexmoda. we showcased the potential of new technologies in the textil and fashion industries at ColombiaTEX 2023, one of the most significant events in the region.
Our team was given the trend GROW and decided to create an interactive narrative that explores the evolving relationship between humans and nature, culminating in the creation of stunning fashion pieces.
The result. Symbiosis uses movement sensors (Leap Motion) and Unreal Engine's breathtaking visuals to transport viewers on an immersive journey through a fantastical universe.
This unique experience highights the creativity and efforts that go into a fashion collection, showcasing the beauty that can emerge from the symbiotic relationship between humans and nature.
This unique experience highights the creativity and efforts that go into a fashion collection, showcasing the beauty that can emerge from the symbiotic relationship between humans and nature.

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