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De.still - 2D & 3D Brand

 Brand | Motion Design
Beauty is an elusive beast, and we are all constantly looking for it. With de.still, we delved into the depths of its logic. Deforming, deconstructing, decomposing ideas, until we understood it was nowhere to be found.
The provocative nature of the brand was explored with symbolic and carefully crafted imagery to which we then gave life through 2D and 3D motions.
The result was an audiovisual piece that captured the inventive and complex spirit of De.still. This was the outcome of a project that made us think beyond the limits of logic.
3D animation capturing the artistic and inventive spirit of De.still.
Symbolic representation of De.still’s brand ethos through crafted visuals.Artistic 3D product model animated to embody the complexity of De.still.
Frames from the audiovisual piece showcasing De.still’s abstract narratives.
We modeled, animated and textured an artistic and unique product, expanding it with our vision and transforming its matter and nature. From defrosted to decomposed, demolished and destroyed... We explored every concept and brought it to life.
Scene depicting the transition from defrosted to decomposed in De.still’s narrative.
and we become visual alchemists.

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